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艾媒榜单 | 2018上半年中国APP排行榜

2021-02-23 08:45:16

2018年7月12日,全球领先的新经济行业数据挖掘和分析机构iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)权威发布《20182018上半年中国APP排行榜》。在2018年上半年的APP榜单中:移动支付类,支付宝6月月活人数达50222.42万人,其次是翼支付,达1060.81万人;地图导航类,百度地图、高德地图位居一二,分别达29389.76万人、29280.76万人;泛娱乐直播类,花椒稳居榜首,达2544.39万人。(《2018上半年中国APP排行榜》高清PDF版可点击文章底部报告下载按钮进行报告下载。)

On July 12, 2018, iiMedia Research, global leading new economic data mining and analysis organization, authoritatively released"China APP Rankings for the First Half of 20102018". In the app list in the first half of 2018: mobile payment class, Alipay has a monthly life of 502.2224 million, followed by wing payment, reaching 10.6081 million; map navigation, Baidu map, Gaode map ranks one or two , respectively, reached 29,389,600 and 29,280,760; in the pan-live entertainment category, the pepper ranked first, reaching 25,434,900. ("2018 China's APP rankings in the first half of the year" HD PDF version can be downloaded by clicking the download button at the bottom of the article.)

